Xin TAN | 谭鑫

Tanye East not Kanye West

⏳ Actively looking for CO-OP/Internship position in 2024 Summer!!!

📚 CS Master Student at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby
- 8888 University Drive West, V5A 1S6, BC, CA

📝 2022 Mitacs Globalink Intern at Dalhousie University, Halifax (DAL)
- Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4R2

📩 Email: @Gmail(Oversea) or @Mail.QQ(China)

[Education] [Patent] [Experiences] [Awards]

About Me

My name is Xin Tan (21 y/o), currently a CS master student at Simon Fraser University, and I'm actively pursuing CO-OP positions in North America for 2024 Summer.

🤳 Skill Sets 🔧

Final Year Project: Ecosystem Risk Assessment with Fuzzy Cognitive Map

News 🔊

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Education 🎓

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Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada

School of Computing Science
Master of Professional Computer Science | Sep. 2023 - Jun. 2025

  • Includes a 4-8 months co-op in 2024 Summer, and a $15,000 Mitacs Globalink Graduate Fellowship.
  • Main courses: Big Data Lab, Machine Learning, Distributed and Cloud Systems, Secure Software Design, etc.

Jilin University, Changchun, China

College of Computer Science and Technology
B.S. in Computer Science and Technology | Sep. 2021 - Jul. 2023
B.Eng. in Environment Engineering | Sep. 2019 - Jul. 2023

  • Main courses: C Programming, Operating System, Java Programming, Computer Networks, Data Structure, Principle of Computer Organization, Web Design, Database Management, etc.

University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Regent’s Park College
Exchange Student, Oxford Prospect Programme | Jan.2020 – Feb.2020

  • Lectures include: Statistical Machine Learning, Modelling Neurons, The Language of Logic, Fluid Dynamics, etc.
  • Best Presentation Award (4/30)

Guangzhou No.2 High School, Guangzhou, China

High School Diploma, Science | Sep. 2016 - Jul. 2019

  • Activities and Societies: Member of School Literature Society & Calligraphy Society.

Patent 📜

A Semi-automatic Digital Measurement Device for Groundwater Level

Ying Lu, Yang Xu, Xin Tan, Chengyan Wen, Zhiyu Jiao
Patent ID: ZL 2021 1 0875594. 0
Filed 07/30/2021 - Issued 09/13/2022

Internships & Researches 📊

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iPhone MDE Intern | Apple Inc.

(Suzhou, China) Apr.2023 – Aug.2023

  • Applied deep learning methods to optimize the manufacturing process, from data collecting, model training to product lines deployment (iOS app & Mac mini).
  • Developed a Tableau dashboard that enables real-time monitoring of production capacity of various performance metrics.
  • Managed the maintenance and updates of the team's internal website, including new pages design and tool downloads.
  • Worked closely with various venders, conducting frequent site visits to factories in different cities.

Research Assistant | Dalhousie University

(Halifax, Canada) Jul.2022–Oct.2022
Project: Data Analytics for Clean Water Technologies

  • Analyze water quality indexes data in RStudio to studied their effects on the local wastewater plants’ performances.
  • Updated web app dashboard with R Shiny and HTML for water treatment focused projects.

Data Intern | SHUWEI

(Shenzhen, China) Dec.2022 – Feb.2023
SHUWEI is a series-C funding IT company focuses on using AI & Big Data technologies to develop digital products.

  • Used Python/SQL to process urban data sets covering transportation, GDP, consumption capacity, etc.
  • Conducted statistical analysis on DataArts Studio cloud platform for location selection of chain stores.

NCSU Winter Research Program | North Carolina State University

(Raleigh, USA) Jan.2022–Feb.2022
Project: Netflix Prize Movie Ratings Prediction

  • Machine Learning and Data mining for real world applications. Netflix is all about connecting people to the movies they love. With the anonymous rating data provided, the project use Model-based Collaborative Filtering as baseline and try to improve it by adopting GNN based methods.

Research Assistant | Jilin University

(Changchun, China) Jan.2022–Feb.2022
Project: Intelligence-control Software Development for Sandstone-type Uranium Mining

  • This is an interdisciplinary research project that uses well logging data collected by mining company to develop LSTM model for lithology identification and ore grade prediction in deep formations.

Honors and Awards 🏅

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Social Activities 🏬

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Student Ambassador | Mitacs

(Canada) Feb.2023 – Present
Student Ambassador for 2023 Mitacs Globalink Program

Student Member | JLU iOS Club

(Changchun) Sep.2021 – Feb.2022
Participated in weekly Xcode training workshop about mini games development with Swift.

Student Member | JLU Study Abroad Association

(Changchun) Jul.2020 – Jul.2021
Cooperated with the Office of Global Engagement of Jilin University to compile and publish the " Feiyue Handbook " every year - a comprehensive guide that shares information of master & PhD programs oversea.
Held monthly lectures on studying abroad.

Assistant | Guangzhou Library

(Guangzhou) Registered Volunteer
Traditional Chinese Characters Translator

Student Volunteer during Covid - 19 | Guangzhou Library

(Changchun) Apr.2022 – Jun.2022
Helped with the management and distribution of food, water and other basic living goods in the student apartment when the whole campus was on a complete lockdown.


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Last update: Apr. 7th, 2023